After you have any type of oral or dental surgery it is important that you follow the post-operative care from your dentist. At Sarina Dental Care, we want to minimise the amount of pain you are in. Please follow these instructions to help during post-op:
- If you have a gause over the affected area, please leave this on for at least one hour. After this time, the gause can be discarded. If desired, you can replace hourly.
- Avoid rinsing or touching the affected area, this may cause the area to start bleeding
- If you have prescribed pain medication, please take as you start to feel discomfort.
- Restrict activities the day of surgery, this includes heavy lifting and sports/ physical exercise. This can be resumed when you feel comfortable.
- Ice packs are a good way to reduce swelling and can also take away any discomfort.
- Do not smoke or have acidy or fizzy drinks after surgery, this can increase post-op pain and infection.
If you have any questions, please contact one of our friendly staff members and they will be happy to answer your questions.